headline photo

Hobby "Photography"

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Photography is a fun and challenging hobby. Photography is not just a photograph of an object or  model  then edited  in  Photoshop and exhibited  to the public.
After several years of photography hobby, photography is a hobby turned out to be a very fun, unique, creative. And can be done anywhere, anytime, with anyone, so it is not boring. Photography Is unique, because photos can be enjoyed by anyone freely, sometimes even taste offered by different photographers received by the audience of photos. Photography is creative, because photography provides independence or  freedom  to us to be creative without limits, as far as the imagination and our brains can collaborate creatively.
In conclusion, if we are serious about this hobby, it can also bring photographic reasonable income. Creativity and perseverance we can make this hobby into a profitable business. Almost every activity definitely need photography as a medium of documentation.

*    Camera   : To record or take a picture of something using a camera.
*    Photos      : We've put the best wedding photos into an album.
*    Object      : They are always tempted to run after a moving object.
*    Picture     : Take a look at this picture and see if you recognize anyone.
*    Shoot      : Photo shoot four days ago for the month of October has been planned out this week.
*    Lens         : A camera lens that makes objects far away look nearer and larger when they are photographed.
*    Photographer : Choosing a photographer is a very important step in your wedding pictures.
*    Photo album : Click on picture to view full photo album for each year.
*    Tripod     : For photographs requiring long exposure times, your camera should be mounted on a tripod.
*    Film         : We shot 8 rolls of film on our holiday.